Other Products |
Computronics has many other products, including
the most complete line of software ever available for users of Prime 50 series systems.
continue to support all of our Prime customers and enhance these
products periodically.
Primos corrections
- Problems with PRIMOS and the Year 2000?
You can get Y2K compliance for PRIMOS and the system utilities in under
an hour with no hardware changes.
- PRIMOS issues with February 29?
PRIME/Unix or NT Coexistence and Conversion Tools:
CPL To Shell Convertor -- Convert CPL programs directly
to Unix shell scripts
LPR -- Allow Prime systems to print directly to any LPD
compatible system. Thus you can print to Unix/Linux based printers,
Novell, NT, VMS, and more
LPD -- Print from LPD compatible systems directly to printers
on the Prime
SoftWire -- Print from PRIMOS to PC-LAN's using only
standard asynchronous lines
ZIP Compatibility:
ZIP -- Fully PKZIP compatible ZIP and UNZIP for PRIMOS. Also
works with Computronics Zip for Unix to fully utilize ZIP files to
move directories to and from PRIMOS and either DOS or Unix /Linux
Other PRIMOS based software products:
PEEK® -- See what your users are doing, type on their
behalf. Use for user support, training, demos
Laserjet Printer Driver -- Full featured support for many printers
with Prime's spooler, including very easy to use support for Laserjets.
Includes special interface to Prime Information. Other drivers
besides Laserjet, support user definable printer types
Log-Time -- Audit trail of system resource usage, dial-in password
access, interuser
mail, terminal type database, and more
Login Security Trail -- Detailed log of any attempts to
break into the system, disable users after failed login attempts
Network -- Intersystem communications over asynchronous lines
AMLC Status -- Check asynchronous line settings
Password Expiration -- Control how often users change passwords,
control password types, prevent password reuse, auto-generate passwords,
synchronize passwords on multiple systems
PrintMaster -- Complete spooler replacement with extensive
customizable features, many not in standard spoolers
Remote Print Handler -- Support spooling to remote located
printers; autodial into these remote printers, as needed
Status Line Message -- Send messages to users in a controlled
way, use status line, avoid screen corruption
Usage Accounting -- Detailed audit trail of commands users
use, resource usage by activity, not just session
SNA Drivers -- Support non-Prime terminals when used in
conjunction with Prime's SNA
DPTX Drivers -- Support non-Prime terminals when used in
conjunction with Prime's DPTX (Bisync-3270 communications)
FORMS Drivers -- Use non-Prime terminals with Prime's FORMS
software. VT100 support available as well as other non-block mode
terminals. Support any terminal type or PC emulator with FORMS
Contact Computronics for details or a free trial of any
of these products.